100% Accurate Findings
We deeply work on 32 Zones of a construction and on our self analysing parameters, which we have develop after years of experiance & thus provide 100% accurate vastu predictions
Predictions in Written
After deeply analysing a construction, we provide all vastu dosh related predictions, findings & remedies in written to our precious clients for Transparency & belief
Certified Analyst
Acharya Sandeep Pulasttya Ji is A Certified Vastu Consultant & Astrologer. He have been Awarded by "TATVA" & "ACHARYA" UPAADHIS ( Research ) from "ICAS", Chennai & "ABSJM", Jalandhar
It’s so easy now to hire our vastu services
Just Call / WhatsApp: 9520039039
Acharya Sandeep Pulasttya Ji will Visit to your Site, He will first deeply analyse the structure manually & thereafter with the help of latest modern tools & equipments on various parameters & then give his predictions in written.
Talk To Us!It’s not about perfection.
It’s about converting perfection in making life easy to live.
Acharya Sandeep Pulasttya Ji
Power Behind!
Acharya Sandeep Pulasttya Ji is A VASTU Consultant & ASTROLOGER providing expertise of Vastu & Astrological Consultancy Services all around India and having hundreds of satisfied clients list. He consists an experience of more than a decade in this criteria. He not only have Advance Level Expertise in VastuShastra but also in Astrology He can analyse a horoscope in 7 Paddaties ( Vedic Jyotish, Nakshatra Nadi Jyotish, Red Book, Cuspal Inter Linking, Krishna Murti (KP), Horary & Numerology )
Acharya Sandeep Pulasttya Ji is the Sole Founder having Title in Research of “Vastu Tatva”, “Vastu Acharya” & “Jyotish Tatva”, “Jyotish Acharya” from ICAS, Chennai & ABSJM, Jalandhar.
After deep analysation of any structure, provide accurate prediction, consultation with highly fast effective remedies for the perfect solutions of the problem(s). This is his first and final objective. He don’t care for how long the time it takes and how much limitless and tireless labour he have to do, in doing so. He use Advance Level Modern Tools as well as Software in the extraction of analysis. He also manually analyze each structure and then provides the solution with appropriate effective remedies in written.
Working Moments

Modern Office

Industrial Design

Company Meetup

Happy People

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Corporate Shooting

Business Meetup
....Making Your Life Easy To Live
Our Expertise In
Vastu Consultation
32 Zone Vastu Analysis
32 Zone & 360 Degree Vastu Analysis ability represents that how much deply we analyse a structure for vastu dosha findings & rectifications. We are having expertise in 32 Zone Vastu Analysis.....
5 Elements Management
Panch Tatva imblancing plays a major role in Vastu. This is non-ignorable part in Vastu Corrections & must be balanced. We are having expertise in 5 Elements Blancing.....
16 Zone Directional Strength
Directional Strength of all 16 Zones plays very important role on Vastu Dosha effects. This strength is invisible & must be tested. We are having expertise in DS Blancing.....
Color & Metal Therapy
We can balance some percentage of all Vastu zones by placing right Color & Metals in that zone. We are having expertise in Blancing Vastu zones via Color & Metal Management.....
Pyramids Activation & Installation
Pyramids are the modern time vastu corrections tools & rarely used to balance & generate energy & also in rectifing any type of Vastu dosha(s) present in a premises. We are having expertise in Pyramid Activation & Installation Technique.....
GeoPathic Stress Management
GeoPathic is a underground but very dengerous type of earth energy & responsible for various types of non curable & long term curable diseases. We Do TESTING & BALANCING & also Do HEALING for problems obtained from GEOPATHIC Stress with the help of Modern Scientific Equipments.....
Earth Telluric Energy Management
These Earth Energies are cause of CANCER, alzimer, kidney failures, Mental Illness etc. These Energies create a low energy environment and result in lot of problems. We Do TESTING & BALANCING of EARTH ENERGIES with the help of Modern Scientific Equipments.....
SAP Points, IR-UV, Heartman Line Management
These are Ultraviolet-Infrared Radiations. Electromagnetic Radiations effects the Cells and Organs and also the Mind and Overall energy or AURA of Human Beings. We Do TESTING & BALANCING of IR/UV/SAP Points with the help of Modern Scientific Equipments....
Devta Activation & Installation
Installing Devtas as per all Vastu Zones is the best way to get appropriate vastu results in a premises but installation procedure is very sensitve and critical & may get even harm. We are conceptualized to solve Vastu problem with Devta's Installation.....
Yantra Activation & Installation
Yantra are ancient remedial tool for the correction of Vastu Dosha also not required making any Changes in structure or Demolation. We are conceptualized to solve many types of vastu problem with the help of Yantra's Installation.....
Astro Vastu
Astro-Vastu concept is Unique & rare. With it we activate jataka's Bhava of Horoscope in solving Business, Job, Health, Child & other issues. We provide instant remedy for any issue facing obstructions via Astro-Vastu & rectify Vastu doshas exactly of a premises.....
7 CHAKRA Healing
Chakras play a vital role in determining the health. Imbalance of Chakrs causing the disruption of the biological and chemical processes of the releted body organ leading to diseases. We are conceptualized TEST & HEAL Imbalance of CHAKRAS with the help of Modern Scientific Equipments......
AURA Healing
Presence of Negative Aura field, indicates disharmony in the person’s health, wealth, relationships & bad luck including accidents. We are conceptualized to TEST, BALANCE also HEAL for problems obtained due to Imbalance of AURA with the help of Modern Scientific Equipments.....
BLACK Magic Healing
Black magic, Nazar dosh, Bandhan dosh, Dead energies effects on Person or on Structures are curse to once life. We are conceptualized to SOLVE, TEST also HEAL for problems obtained due to Imbalance of NEGATIVE Energies both of Person & of Structures with the help of Modern Scientific Equipments.....
Map Designing on AutoCAD
Now No need of going to Architects now. We are providing Vastu compliance Architectural Map Designing for Commercial & Residencial Structures within our criteria with the help of AutoCAD Software. So now no doubt weather Architect Map designing is vastu compliante or Not?.....

We Promised
Under Vastu Consultation Services
We are bound to provide best vastu consultation services to our precious clients.
- 100% Vastu Dosha Finding with Best Efforts
- 100% Genuine Rectification Suggestions
- 100% Remedial Effects
- 100% Post Service Support
- 100% Efforts for Client's Betterment
- 100% Satisfaction
.....There are so many who can figure costs, and so few who can measure values.
Quality Guaranteed
Why Choose Our Vastu Consultation Services
Decade+ Experience.
Acharya Sandeep Pulasttya Ji having Decade+ experience in criterea. Done lot of research work on various critical vastu doshas & successfully solved the issues with positive effects.
- 14+ Years Experience
- 2960+ Satisfied Clients
- Covered 22+ Districts
32 Zone Analysis.
In analysing Vastu doshas we devide a construction in 32 Zone and thereafter pointout the key doshas on various parameters of our's. It helps to pin out the actual zone(s) having vastu doshas & in providing perfect remedy.
- Includes 5 Elements Management
- Includes Directional Strength Management
- Special Focus on Hidden Earth Energies
Remedy with Unique Techniques & Tools.
We use unique self build techniques and advance tools to rectify vastu dosha in construction. With there help the possiblity of any error or mistake reduced to 1% only & this helps us to build satisfied clientage.
- Testing based on Latest Modern Tools & Softwares
- Testing based on Manual Vastu Dosha Analysis
- Testing for Client before & after Remedial Solution
Highly Fast Effecting Remedies.
Vastu Doshas Remedies we suggest are highly fast effecting & provides tremendious transformating results. Though these remedies are quite costly & seams overbudget for some but to get something one have to pay something.
- Positive Results from Day One
- Sometimes Results Comes in 43 Days too
- Promised Guarenteed Results
Toilet & Kitchen Remedy.
Toilets & Kitchen found displaced in mostly Premises and thus creates imbalance in Energy. Mostly Vastu Specialist found puts there HandsUp in this Case. We are Specialist in Toilet & Kitchen Remedy with special Skills.
- 100% Successfull Remedial Solution.
- No Negative Results from Kitchen or Toilet in Future
- Solutions with Unique techniques & Testing before & after Remedy
BrahamSthal & Eshaan Remedy.
Removing BrahamSthal & North-East Remedy is the most difficult part of Vastu Dosh Remedy & mostly Vastu Specialist found themselves Helpless in this Case. We are Specialist in BrahamSthal & Eshaan Kone Remedy Remedy.
- 100% Successfull Remedial Solution with with Unique Techniques.
- No Negative Results from Kitchen or Toilet in Future
- Testing available before & after Remedial Solution
Highly Dedication towards Working Crietria.
We are highly dedicated to Our Goal for helping people in Making there Life Easy To Live. We do not care about our comfort zone in doing so.
- Full Dedicated Hard Work
- So that No single zone should left with vastu dosha
- Analyse All - Zones, Under Earth & Earth & Sky for best results
Time Boundation Free Analysation.
We do not care how much time & efforts it takes in analysing & rectifing vastu dosha from a premises. We keep on going till output comes.
- Positive Approach from Day One
- Full time given to Client
- Multiples Hours & Multiple Days Work on Single Premises
Vastu & Astrology Combination.
We use Astrology with Vastu. It helps a person to comes out from his/her problem more easily & completely. A person creats Vastudosha as per horoscope. Vastudosha results are permanent but horoscope results changes time to time. So Remedy of both is must.
- Remedy of Vastu dosha helps Jataka to get rid from Fixed Results
- Remedy of Horoscope helps to get rid from Time Changing Results
- Remedy of Both blessed a Jataka in complete.
AutoCAD Map Designing.
Actually to analyse a construction for Vastu, proper Map of it is must. It plays a key role in rectifying Vastu dosha. We provide this service gracefully to our precious Clients under proper Vastu Dosha Rectifying Management System.
- Vastu Compliance Map Designing
- Residencial & Commercial Construction Plan Included
- 100% Trustworthy & Satisfactory Work Guarantee.
What you are looking for?
If you want to build your house, office etc. in accordance with the Vastu system, or you want to make Vastu favorable change in a pre-construct residential or commercial building, without any break through, you can grab the benefits of VastuShastra Consulting Service of Our.
We are conceptualized to solve every problem by simple and effective remedies which are arising out of Vastu defect, such as- unwanted family disputes, breakups, misunderstandings, long term disease influence, long term or repeated mental disturbance, sleeping disorders, interruption or loss in business, or career, self or company branding issues, less or no concentration of children in studies, problems in career, drinhing smoking drugs addiction, no child or difficulty in childbirth, regular miscarriage, sudden untimely death, no or less money savings, unwanted expenditures, repeatedly bad performance of electronics and electrical equipment, repeated hurt by fall or by any equipment, fire and etc.
In processing Vastu remedial solutions we also deeply analyse the birth horoscope of individual. This method of rectification helps an individual to completely overcome from difficulties and problems.
Only good stuff
Latest post on our Blog

AURA & Its effects on Humans
By Acharya Sandeep Pulasttya | Vastu & Astro WHIZ
We see a LIGHT ENERGY behind the heads of all Gods of all religions which is known as “HALOES”. This is known as DivyaKantiValaya, which means a Circular Divine Light. The AURA EMITTING from animate bodies are known to us as Bio Energy.....
7 Chakra & Its effects on Humans
By Acharya Sandeep Pulasttya | Vastu & Astro WHIZ
The Chakra system originated in India in Vedas (1500-500 BC), Evidence of Chakras, spelled Chakra, is also found in the Shri Jabala Darshana Upanishad, the Cudamini Upanishad, the Yoga-Shikka Upanishad and the Shandilya Upanishad (600BC).....
Geopathic Stress & Its deadly effects
By Acharya Sandeep Pulasttya | Vastu & Astro WHIZ
Geopathic stress can be caused by energies emanating from the earth vibrating at a level beyond the electromagnetic spectrum currently recognised and detected by conventional science and technology. These disturbances are due to geological faults,....