Services who we do?
We Cover
16 Zone Directional Strength Bar Graph Chart Analysis
Directional Strength of all 16 Zones plays very important role on Vastu Dosha effects. The strength of effects of each direction depends on its Directional Strength which only can be calculated through Bar Graph Chart. This strength is invisible & must be tested to understand the actual hidden cause of Vastu Dosha in a Premises.
- Authentic Calculations Guaranteed
- Use of Advance Testing Tools & Softwares
- Result in Written
- Root Cause Rectification

16 Zone Directional Strength Analysis.
We are having expertise in 16 Zone Directional Strength Analysis of a premises & this helps a Jataka to get rid from Vastu Doshas completely. Hire Us & get relief in Short Period & Make your Life Easy To Live.
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