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Real Ancient Vastu Purush Story
By Acharya Sandeep Pulasttya Ji | Vastu & Astro Specialist,
The Matsya Puran references a legend of Vastu Pursh. There was a war between Lord Shiv and the Demon named Andhakasura. During this heat-filled fight, a few sweat drops oozed from the body of Lord Shiv and fell onto the Earth. Out of this sweat emerged a gigantic spirit that went on expanding to cover the heavenly abodes of Gods and Demons. The Gods thought this huge Demon was sent by the Demons to defeat them and the Demons thought this huge God was sent to defeat the Gods. The war between the two deities ceased.
Scared of this human, they all went to Lord Brahma for help. Brahma advised that they should arrest this huge spirit and throw him onto earth head long. Caught with the different body parts by the gods and the demons, the huge spirit was thrown onto Earth headlong. However, he came to his senses and prayed to Brahma saying he is a part of his creation therefore did not deserve to be treated like his. Feeling compassionate on him, Brahma offered him a boon that he will be known as Vastu Purush. People on Earth would worship him before building their homes. Their material prosperity would depend on his honor. With Brahma’s boon, Vastu Purush was blessed and worshiped by the people on earth.
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Vastu Purush & Vishwakarma :
Vishwakarma is known as the first architect on Earth. Vishwakarma is one of the psyche sons of Brahma and he only does all the construction work for all the deities. His name also appears among the 18 teachers of Vastu Iconography.
The major difference between Vastu Purush and Vishwakarma is that the latter is renowned for the construction work done for the deities and he has a definite worldview. All his projects are grand projects. This includes the construction of the world, large expansions, townships etc.
The latter is responsible for the architection of each and every bit of land within the premises.
The laws according to which Vishwakarma acts are based on the concept of Vastu Purush and his Sub divisional configuration ( Pad Vinyas). Vastu Pursh is also omnipresent and his instructions guide Vishwakarma in his constructions.